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RealVisXL V4.0 V4.0 Lightning (BakedVAE)

Training infoModel type: CheckpointBranch: sdxl1Website


cinematic photo long shot portrait of a (White) ivory mechanical warmachine (with beautiful blonde women inside) with (gold) and (black) on a scifi battlefield,high details,sci-fi,subsurface scattering,hyper realistic,concept art,illustration,extremely detailed,extremely intricate,extremely sharp lines,sharp focus,fascinating,4k,8k,smooth,masterpiece,award-winning,art by jim lee,art by wlop,full body shot,. 35mm photograph,film,bokeh,professional,4k,highly detailed
Negative: (worst quality,low resolution,bad hands),distorted,twisted,watermark,BadDream
Backend V1
Scale: 2.0
Seed: 1943018118
Steps: 9
Size: 768x1152
Face Correct
Inpaint Faces


(Lomo Photography by Miguel Rio Branco and Helen Zout:1.2), award winning, light shaft, (aesthetic of surrealism with solitude atmosphere:0.5), avant-garde unrivaled opus with stunning details, (permanent rose and salmon colors:0.1), <lora:MJ52:0.5>
Negative: (low quality, worst quality, bad quality, lowres:1.2), bad photo, bad art, oversaturated, watermark, username, signature, text, error, cropped, jpeg artifacts, autograph, trademark, (canvas frame, canvas border, out of frame:1.2), bad anatomy, bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, bad feet, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, bad proportions, extra limbs, disfigured, bad anatomy, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, mutated hands, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck
Backend V1
Scale: 1.0
Seed: 1091528340
Steps: 15
Size: 896x1160
HiRes fix


(High-Key Photography by Tian Yuan and Herbert Bayer:1.2), award winning, faun, (aesthetic of photomontage with psychedelic atmosphere:0.5), distortion, distinct foreground and background, novel sublime achievement with masterful details, (quinacridone red and diamond white colors:0.1), <lora:MJ52:0.5>
Negative: low quality, worst quality, bad quality, lowres, bad photo, bad art, bad anatomy, bad hands, signature, text, error, cropped, jpeg artifacts,
Backend V1
Scale: 2.0
Seed: 3163662936
Steps: 6
Size: 768x1152
HiRes fix


artistic photography,style of Bella Kotak,landscape,full shot, foreshortening,Tyndall effect,1girl,full body,<lora:looking_at_viewer:0.8>,looking at viewer,<lora:HandFineTuning_XL:0.6>,foggy,darkness atmosphere, groundbreaking unrivaled opus with unrivaled details,Extremely high-resolution details,photographic,realism pushed to extreme,fine texture,incredibly absurdres,absurdres,masterpiece,Extremely high-resolution details,realism pushed to extreme,ac_neg2,<lora:MJ52:0.6>,
Backend V1
Scale: 2.0
Seed: 2548880675
Steps: 6
Size: 512x768


city street, neon, fog, volumetric, closeup portrait photo of young woman in dark clothes
Negative: (octane render, render, drawing, anime, bad photo, bad photography:1.3), (worst quality, low quality, blurry:1.2), (bad teeth, deformed teeth, deformed lips), (bad anatomy, bad proportions:1.1), (deformed iris, deformed pupils), (deformed eyes, bad eyes), (deformed face, ugly face, bad face), (deformed hands, bad hands, fused fingers), morbid, mutilated, mutation, disfigured
Backend V1
Scale: 1.0
Seed: 1613580828
Steps: 5
Size: 768x1024