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translation_x=0:(0) translation_z=0:(1) rotation_3d_x=0:(0) rotation_3d_y=0:(0) rotation_3d_z=0:(1) strength_schedule=0:(0.55) border=wrap steps=20 seed=5 diffusion_cadence=2 0: a photo of ohwx cat, highly detailed, realistic, plays a bass guitar, holding guitar, on the beach 25: a photo of ohwx cat, highly detailed, realistic, plays an electric guitar, on the beach, holding guitar, open mouth 50: a photo of ohwx cat, highly detailed, realistic, plays an electric guitar, on the beach, open mouth, holding guitar num_images=50 negative_prompt= seed= steps= cfg_scale= controlnet= input_image_url= mask_image_url= denoising_strength= controlnet_conditioning_scale= controlnet_txt2img=false super_resolution=false inpaint_faces=false face_correct=false film_grain=false hires_fix=false backend_version=0 ar=1:1 scheduler= color_grading= use_lpw=false w= h=
Scale: 15.0
Size: 768x432
HiRes fix
Model type: sd15